Nothing says timeless elegance like a beautiful bouquet of roses. Perfect for any occasion, our expertly crafted arrangement features premium, fresh roses in your choice of colors, beautifully accented with lush greenery and delicate fillers. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply expressing love, this stunning bouquet conveys your sentiments with grace and charm.
Each bouquet of roses is arranged with care to ensure every bloom shines, creating a luxurious display that will leave a lasting impression. Available in multiple sizes to suit your needs, from a petite and thoughtful gesture to a grand, show-stopping arrangement.
Surprise someone special—or treat yourself—with this classic floral masterpiece. Add a personalized message to make your gift even more meaningful!
24 Pink Roses
At Petal & Bulb, we offer flexible subscription services for fresh flowers, ensuring that you always have beautiful blooms to brighten up your space. Our delivery methods are carefully crafted to ensure the flowers reach you in perfect condition. We are dedicated to providing top-notch packaging and timely delivery to enhance your floral experience.
Steps to keeping your flowers fresh for longer:
- Use a clean vase to put your flowers in.
- Cut a half inch off the ends of your flowers on an angle so more water can be absored by your flowers.
- Remove leaves below the water line so the leaves will not rot and cause your flowers to rot.
- Use our flower food packet to keep your flowers healthy.
- Change water everyday and add your home made flower food. See receipe below.
- Keep your flowers away from direct light and heat.
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar mixed into a large vase of water